BREASTENHANCEMENTMD.COM GREATBREASTS.NET Breast Enhancement: Basics you should know before deciding on having Breast Enhancement surgery.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Basics you should know before deciding on having Breast Enhancement surgery.

Breast Augmentation should be performed in a hospital or on an out-patient basis under general anesthesia in a fully accredited private surgical facility. The best candidates for breast augmentation are women who are looking for improvement, not perfection, in their appearance. Advances in breast implant technology and surgical technique are making breast augmentation a popular option among women of all ages desiring a more flattering, better proportioned figure and more wardrobe choices. Your surgeon should work with you to recommend the procedure and type of implant best suited for you to achieve the most natural and desired results.

The method of carefully inserting and positioning your implant will depend on your individual anatomy and the physician's recommendation. Often, the incision will be made in the armpit and a pocket will be created for placement of the implant behind the pectoral muscle. This placement may reduce the potential for capsular contracture (tightening of scar tissue). In addition, there is little risk of interference with mammography and breastfeeding.

Thousands of plastic surgery procedures are performed successfully each year. When done by a board-certified plastic surgeon, the results are generally positive. Nevertheless, there are always risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with these procedures. In fact, any imaginable risk or complication is possible. You should be given extensive pre-op counseling and instruction in writing prior to your surgery so that you are well informed and confident in your decision.

Post-operative complications such as capsular contraction (tightening of scar tissue around the implant), infection around the implant, or excessive bleeding may occur after surgery. Occasionally, breast implants may leak or rupture. While the majority of women do not experience these complications, your doctor should make sure that you are fully aware and understand the risks and possible complications associated with breast augmentation. In general, recovery can be as little as 3-5 days. Your sutures will come out in a week to 10 days, but the swelling in your breasts may take 3-5 weeks to disappear.

For many women, the result of breast augmentation can be satisfying, even exhilarating, as they learn to appreciate their fuller appearance.

Sylvia Gorman
Patient coordinator
Metrolina Plastic Surgery - Charlotte, NC


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I like your blog. Good general information for women considering breast enhancement. It's refreshing to get such straight talk from someone in the medical community.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your practice perform other insertion techniques besides under the armpit?

9:03 AM  
Blogger Breast Info said...

Dr. Bednar has used all methods of insertion for many years. After carefully evaluating patients' shorter recovery time and no interference with mammography and breast feeding over a long period of time, his preferred method of implant insertion is through the axilla (armpit). This method disturbes the breast tissue in the least amount and forms a very direct route to place the implant behind the chest wall muscle.

6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr Bednar is a true artist. I had breast augmentation done july of 2005. It is the best thing i have ever done for myself. i have 3 children which i love very much. This is the one thing i wanted back after i had my children. Having a better figure makes me more confident and i think a better mom to my kids. Confidence goes a long way. Thank you so much Dr Bednar.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that if you have insertion through the armpit and need for an additional surgery, you cannot go back in through the armpit?

11:41 AM  

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